Live Kind And Be Yourself
Live Kind And Be Yourself |
There is no way to be kinder to yourself than by allowing yourself the freedom to actually BE YOURSELF!
It is not always easy, especially when the opinions of others come into play.
People tend to have negative and strong opinions about things that go against 'the norm'.
Maybe you have a different belief system, or lifestyle, or dietary requirements or maybe a different approach to educating your children to what people consider 'normal'.
I say that for most things in life - if you have done your research and made your decision about what is right for you - then you should stick to it, despite the negativity of others.
Easier said than done right!
People don't seem to have filters anymore!
They give no bothers about letting you know how wrong your life choices are, and all the terrible mistakes you are making.
We all know how bad that can feel.
I have been made to feel like I am not good enough. I have been made to feel like I am playing to a whim and wasting my time. I have been made to feel like I am making terrible choices for my children.
These are not fun feelings to have.
I had a bad day recently when the opinions of others really seemed to be getting the better of me. I felt like crap about it, I felt scared too - what if they are right and I am making a mistake?
Second guessing yourself is natural, feeling insecure about a decision you have made is natural. But when you know it is the right decision for you, these feelings are only temporary, it is when other people play into these insecurities that it becomes harder to stick to your choices.
The trick is to not let the opinions of others get under our skins. Hear them out, but don't let them make you feel like crap.
Other people's opinions should not have the power to make you feel bad!
You have done your research - the other person probably hasn't. You have made your decision, and most life decisions are not made on a whim, you have struggled with that decision and making it has not been easy.
Sticking to your decision is not going to be easy either, but it will be worth it.
On the day that I was made to feel bad, I immediately went home and ran a quick google search to verify my opinions and decisions. I found relief in what I found and all my reasons for the choices that I made in my life came flooding back into my mind - bringing with them relief and peace.
I should not have let the opinions of others upset me, but they did. But I am happy with my life choices, I believe that the world is changing and that we need to change with it. I have embraced that belief in all the decisions I have made for my life and the lives of my children. I am going to stick with my choices for as long as I feel that they are right for me.
I am not going to let other people get me down.
At the end of the day, when you look back at the choices that you have made and how hard you had to work to make them and to stick to them, and all the negativity you had to wade through to get out on the other side.
Then - it will all have been worth it!
With love,
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