The Tooth Fairy - Keeping The Magic Alive

The Tooth Fairy - Keeping The Magic Alive

I made these little tooth pillows a while ago when I saw something similar on Pinterest. I was in my 'felt stage' and I just had to make them, even though it felt like it would be ages before my kids were old enough to use them.

Well Kesia is old enough now (mommy sob) she is six years old and has recently lost her four front teeth.

When those teeth first started wobbling we started to have excited talks about the Tooth Fairy. 
Thanks to 'Ben and Holly' - Kesia was all prepared for it. She knew that the Tooth Fairy would come to fetch her tooth from under her pillow and would leave some money there in exchange.

Kesia had already decided what she would be doing with the money.

No pressure Tooth Fairy.

Anyways, the teeth fell out and the Tooth Fairy visited. It was a sweet and memorable experience, the first tooth being so exciting. I loved waiting up until everyone was fast asleep and sneaking around doing my Tooth Fairy duties, stealth mode and all.

I even used an app that allows you to add a Tooth Fairy to a photo of your sleeping child. Although I rather wish that I hadn't as the Tooth Fairy was pretty creepy looking and I think it took away a bit of the wonder.

I am all for being honest to my kids, but when it comes to Santa, the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy I am happy with a little deception. 
These are such fun traditions and they are part of what makes childhood magical.

There needs to be some magic in childhood, some wonder, some sparkle!

If not just for the sheer joy of childhood, then for the all important role of imagination. 

Fantasy and imagination are the building blocks of our creativity, what could be more awesome than fostering that.

There will come a day when my children will no longer believe in the Tooth Fairy, but I hope that that day is a long time in coming. 
For now, we need our fairies.

If you also believe in the magic of the Tooth Fairy, I have a couple of these little tooth pillows laying around and I thought I'd do a little giveaway.

I have two sets to giveaway, they include the tooth pillow as well as two unicorn ornaments to decorate a little girl's room or for the Christmas tree. Sadly I have nothing for the boys right now. 

Only within South Africa for this one.

If you want a chance to win please make sure that you are following me on either of my two Instagram pages,



And then tag an awesome mommy in the comments below my Instagram Post regarding this giveaway ♡

(I love finding awesome Mumma's on Insta, it makes me so happy!)

"May the Odds Be Ever In Your Favor"

I'll draw the winner on Monday 25 June.

With love,


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