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Live Kind And Be Yourself

Live Kind And Be Yourself There is no way to be kinder to yourself than by allowing yourself the freedom to actually BE YOURSELF! It is not always easy, especially when the opinions of others come into play. People tend to have negative and strong opinions about things that go against 'the norm'. Maybe you have a different belief system, or lifestyle, or dietary requirements or maybe a different approach to educating your children to what people consider 'normal'.  I say that for most things in life - if you have done your research and made your decision about what is right for you - then you should stick to it, despite the negativity of others. Easier said than done right! People don't seem to have filters anymore!  They give no bothers about letting you know how wrong your life choices are, and all the terrible mistakes you are making. We all know how bad that can feel.  I have been made to feel like I am no...

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